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What is Smart Manufacturing: Definition, Benefits & Technology


What is Smart Manufacturing: Definition

Smart manufacturing (SM) revolutionizes production by employing machinery connected to the Internet to monitor and enhance manufacturing. At its core, SM aims to boost operational efficiency and productivity by identifying opportunities for automation and harnessing real-time data insights.

Smart manufacturing also optimizes supply chain functions by integrating physical and digital processes in factories and across the supply chain. It enhances decision-making by transforming how people, processes, and technology operate, ensuring efficiency and agility. According to the Gartner Report, despite the prioritization of digitizing manufacturing operations by 91% of supply chain leaders, challenges persist, such as technology security, commercial availability, data integrity, and aligning ROI expectations between the supply chain and factories.

Leveraging the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), smart manufacturing systems thrive on the synergistic relationship between sensor data and artificial intelligence (AI). Densely deployed sensors capture real-time performance metrics from machinery, enabling proactive maintenance, identification of process inefficiencies, and data-driven decision-making.

AI then takes center stage, analyzing this vast data stream to optimize production processes, guarantee high-quality output, and even predict equipment failures for preventive maintenance. This powerful interplay between IIoT and AI constitutes the cornerstone of the smart manufacturing revolution.

Despite its potential, the widespread adoption of SM faces challenges such as the lack of standardized technical protocols, hindering seamless communication and interoperability among manufacturing systems. Moreover, high upfront costs, complex technology, and limited accessibility can create hurdles for smaller players.

However, as smart manufacturing evolves, expect further integration of automation, AI, and advancements like digital twins for a future of hyper-connected and smart manufacturing.

From Industry 1.0 to 5.0

Evolution of industry from 1.0 to 5.0: Smart manufacturing revolutionizing production processes.

It all began over two centuries ago with the original Industrial Revolution, Industry 1.0, where the introduction of steam power and machines marked a significant shift in manufacturing.  

Fast forward to Industry 2.0, where the crackle of electricity replaced the roar of steam, and mass production became the hallmark of innovation. Think assembly lines churning out goods at unprecedented speeds, forever altering the landscape of the industry.  

Then came Industry 3.0, a period characterized by the integration of automation and early computing technologies. Imagine computers and robots working alongside humans, transforming how we work and produce.  

And now, at the peak of industrial evolution stands Industry 4.0, the era of smart manufacturing. It's not about getting rid of old factories; it's about taking them to the next level with cutting-edge technologies. Picture a world where machines communicate seamlessly, where data drives decisions, and where efficiency and effectiveness reign supreme.  

Right now, the EU has proposed a new concept of Industry 5.0, prioritizing sustainability, human-centricity, and operational resilience. Key strategies include leveraging digital technologies for optimized operations and supply chains, transitioning to a circular economy, enhancing digital literacy among employees, and boosting research and development capabilities for competitive advantage.  

From the clatter of steam engines to the cyber-physical systems, each revolution has pushed us forward, expanding the possibilities and ushering in a future full of promise and potential.  

If you're a manufacturer looking to embrace Industry 4.0 and optimize your production processes, explore Advantech's solutions and see how a system integrator partner can help you tailor them to your specific needs.

Benefits of Smart Manufacturing

Smart manufacturing is revolutionizing production by leveraging data and intelligent technologies. Here are 8 key benefits that are driving its adoption:

Improved Efficiency and Productivity:  By optimizing processes, identifying bottlenecks, and automating tasks, smart factories can significantly increase production output while minimizing waste. 

Predictive Maintenance:  Sensors and real-time data analysis enable manufacturers to predict equipment failures before they happen. This allows for proactive maintenance, minimizing downtime and associated costs. 

Enhanced Quality Control:  Smart systems with machine vision and AI can inspect products with unmatched accuracy and speed, ensuring consistent quality, reducing risks for product recalls, and higher customer satisfaction. 

Data-Driven Decision-Making:  The abundance of real-time data from sensors and machines allows for data-driven decision-making throughout the production process. This leads to better resource allocation, improved forecasting, and agile responses to market changes. 

Increased Flexibility and Agility:  Production lines can be easily adjusted to accommodate changes in product design, customer demand, or market trends.  This allows manufacturers to respond quickly to opportunities and stay ahead of the competition. 

Improved Worker Safety:  Smart technologies can automate dangerous tasks, reducing the risk of workplace injuries.  Additionally, real-time monitoring can identify potential safety hazards before incidents occur. 

Reduced Environmental Impact:  Smart systems can optimize energy consumption and minimize waste generation.  Additionally, data-driven insights can help manufacturers identify opportunities for using sustainable materials and processes. 

End-to-End Savings: Digital integration across the supply chain improves forecasting, inventory management, and logistics, resulting in fewer risks, reduced spending, and increased customer satisfaction.

These are just a few examples of the many benefits smart manufacturing offers. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more exciting innovations and applications that will further transform the manufacturing landscape.

11 Examples of Smart Manufacturing Technologies

Now let's focus on the fundamental and related technologies that form the basis of smart manufacturing practices.

IoT & IIoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) involves connecting various devices, sensors, assets, and machines into a network to collect and exchange data. IIoT signifies the incorporation of IoT devices into production processes. In smart manufacturing, an IIoT network is at the core as it enables real-time monitoring of equipment, predictive maintenance, and data-driven decision-making. Predictive maintenance utilizes advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to anticipate equipment failures before they occur, enabling proactive maintenance to prevent costly downtime and optimize production efficiency. 

Incorporating various latest technologies like edge computing, TSN, and, M2M, both IoT and IIoT are crucial in smart manufacturing because they facilitate the integration of digital technologies into physical machinery, fostering greater automation, connectivity, and control over manufacturing operations.

AI/Machine Learning at the Edge

AI refers to technologies designed to mimic human intelligence, while ML is a subset of AI focused on building systems that improve performance based on data input. Algorithms enable machines to analyze data at a much faster speed, learn from it, adapt, and make decisions without human intervention. 

In smart manufacturing, AI and ML allow these systems to become predictive powerhouses. By analyzing data, they can anticipate equipment failures before they happen, optimize production schedules for maximum efficiency, avoid expensive downtimes, and identify areas for improved quality control. In short, AI and ML turn data into insights, empowering smart factories to become more efficient, cost-effective, and proactive. 

Gain insight into Edge AI and Industrial AIoT solutions.


Autonomation, also called automation with human intelligence, means using robots and automated systems that can work by themselves while also working with humans. This means robots can change what they do based on real-time information, work together with people (called cobots), and improve over time by learning. 

The benefits are substantial: autonomous robots tackle repetitive tasks with precision, boosting efficiency and reducing errors. This frees up human workers for higher-value activities, while the system's flexibility allows factories to adapt to changing demands while enhancing production efficiency, quality, and safety. 

Learn more about Advantech’s cobot and AGV(Automated Guided Vehicle) for automation applications.

Big Data

Big Data in smart manufacturing refers to the massive volumes of structured and unstructured data generated by various sources within manufacturing processes. Analytics tools are essential for processing this extensive data, extracting valuable insights that empower manufacturers to enhance production processes, anticipate equipment malfunctions, and make informed decisions regarding logistics, risk assessment, cost management, and quality control in real time.

Read More: The Next Leap of Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

CNC Machining

Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining involves the use of computer-controlled machines to precisely shape and cut materials according to digital designs. In smart manufacturing, it offers unparalleled precision, repeatability, and efficiency in producing complex components and parts. CNC machines can also be integrated with IoT sensors and AI algorithms to monitor performance, optimize toolpaths, and minimize material waste. 

Read More: Ensure Stable Production with CNC Spindle and Tool Health Assessment System and Advantech’s CNC Networking Software

Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection involves the identification of abnormal patterns or deviations from expected behavior within datasets. In smart manufacturing, anomaly detection algorithms are deployed to detect equipment malfunctions, process inconsistencies, and quality defects in real time. By proactively identifying anomalies, manufacturers can prevent costly downtime, minimize product defects, and optimize production efficiency. 

Read More: Advantech’s iFactory solutions can enhance your workstations by enabling real-time tracking of production anomalies, assistance requests, and material needs and our AI AOI solutions.

5G Connectivity

5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology, offering faster data speeds, lower latency, and greater connectivity than its predecessors. In smart manufacturing, deploying 5G enables high-speed, reliable communication between IoT devices, robots, and production systems. With 5G networks, manufacturers can deploy real-time monitoring and control applications, enabling agile and responsive operations. 

Read More: 

Private 5G Networks for Industrial IoT 

5G Edge Servers for the Open RAN

Discover our 5G Powerful Edge Computing Gateways

Edge Computing

Edge computing involves processing data near the source of generation, rather than relying on centralized data centers. In smart manufacturing, edge computing brings computation and analytics closer to IoT devices and production equipment, enabling faster response times and reducing latency. This technology is critical in smart manufacturing because it enables distributed intelligence, resilience, and scalability. 

Find out more about the advantages of Advantech’s Industrial Computers!

Digital Twin

A digital twin is a virtual replica of a physical asset, process, or system that simulates its behavior and performance in real time. In smart manufacturing, digital twins enable manufacturers to model, monitor, and optimize production processes and equipment. For products, it can also be used to virtually test different designs, identify potential weaknesses, and optimize performance before physical prototypes are built, which saves resources and costs in advance.

Design for Manufacturing (DFM)

Design for Manufacturing (DFM), or design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA), is a methodology that focuses on designing products with manufacturing considerations in mind. In smart manufacturing, DFM principles enable designers to optimize product designs for efficient production, assembly, and cost-effectiveness. This technology is crucial in smart manufacturing because it fosters collaboration between design and manufacturing teams, streamlines production processes, and enhances product performance and manufacturability.

Additive Manufacturing/Hybrid Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, involves building objects layer by layer using digital 3D models. In smart manufacturing, additive manufacturing makes it possible to produce complex components and prototypes with unprecedented flexibility, customization, and efficiency. Hybrid manufacturing combines additive and subtractive processes to leverage the strengths of both techniques. By adopting these technologies, manufacturers can reduce tooling costs, shorten lead times, and produce lightweight and intricate parts with minimal material waste.

Step Into the Smart Manufacturing Age

Embracing the digital era in manufacturing is no longer just an option; it's a necessity for staying competitive in today's market. As the adoption of advanced manufacturing 4.0 technologies continues to surge, the future of smart manufacturing promises a completely different production environment transformed for all factories across industries. 

Here are 3 key trends to watch:

AI and Machine Learning Take the Wheel

Expect artificial intelligence to become even more powerful, continuously learning and optimizing processes in real time through machine learning. This could lead to autonomous factories with self-regulating production lines and a whole new level of predictive maintenance.

Sustainability Redefine with Efficient Manufacturing

Smart manufacturing systems lead the charge in revolutionizing traditional manufacturing practices, paving the way for environmentally conscious operations while enhancing efficiency. For instance, AI-powered systems in the food and beverage industry analyze production data to streamline energy consumption and minimize waste. 

 Find out how Adventech’s iFactory solution helps achieve optimized food production and reduced waste.

Spotlight on Human-Machine Collaboration

While automation will continue to grow, human expertise will remain irreplaceable. The future lies in seamless collaboration between humans and intelligent machines, with AI augmenting human decision-making and workers focusing on higher-level tasks. Overall, continuous advancements in AI, IIoT, and data analytics will drive the evolution of smart manufacturing, promising hyper-connected and hyper-efficient factories that redefine the manufacturing landscape.

Experience the Best Smart Manufacturing Solutions with Advantech

Smart manufacturing is the future of the industry, offering a revolutionary approach to production that leverages cutting-edge technologies to optimize processes and drive innovation. By integrating the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation, and so many more, smart manufacturing promises to transform traditional manufacturing methods, paving the way for increased efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced quality. 

Embracing this transformative trend is essential for businesses looking to stay competitive in today's rapidly evolving market landscape. Experience the future of manufacturing with Advantech's iFactory solutions, and unlock the full potential of smart manufacturing for your business. Also, discover more powerful cases of industrial equipment manufacturing accomplished with Advantech's innovative solutions here!